Notify and listen to events

When needing to communicate events back and forth between Ionic/Capacitor and your NativeScript utilities you can use:

  • notifyEvent: (name: string, data?: any) => void: Notify event name with optional data.
  • onEvent: (name: string, callback: Function) => void: Listen to event name with callback.
  • removeEvent: (name: string, callback?: Function) => void: Remove event listeners.

For example using the zip example you can use notifyEvent in your NativeScript utilities to emit events:

  • src/nativescript/zip.ts
// ...
import { notifyEvent } from "@nativescript/capacitor/bridge";

native.fileZip = function (options: ZipOptions) {
    // ...{
      onProgress: (progress) => {
        notifyEvent('zipProgress', progress);
    }).then((filePath) => {
      notifyEvent('zipComplete', filePath);

You can then listen to those events in your Ionic components:

  • src/app/explore-container.component.ts:
import { native } from '@nativescript/capacitor'

// ...
export class ExploreContainerComponent implements OnInit {
  ngOnInit() {
    native.onEvent('zipComplete', (filepath) => {
      console.log('ionic zip complete:', filepath)
    native.onEvent('zipProgress', (progress) => {
      console.log('ionic zip progress:', progress)